Sunday, April 11, 2010

Does coffee do this to anyone else?

Whenever I drink coffee, I want to eat something sweet. Even if I wasn't in the mood for a madeline or scone, as soon as I swallow my first sip of coffee, my tongue feels dry and I want one.

I'm reading a book by Jack Challem called The Food-Mood Solution. Challem claims the mood swings accompanying caffeine consumption contributes to psychological mood disorders. According to his studies, proper rest, food, exercise, and supplements can banish the need for caffeine and improve overall wellness.

How ideal it would be to be free from dependency on any stimulants. Should I give coffee up?

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check out that book! I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love cherry coke - I can tell it's because of the caffeine. Sometimes I think it affects me positively and other times negatively. I think you just have to weigh the pros and cons. . .but if you want to give it up then you can do it! I often go several weeks without cherry coke and the first couple of days are hard, but then I forget about it. I think overall it's one of the easier addictions in life to give up!

    Thank you for your comment on my post last week - congrats on your new apartment. I wish I had something to report as far as my Wii but I don't :( Maybe after my son's birthday this weekend. . .
