Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Shoes & a New Ass?

I keep seeing ads for shoes claiming to tone your legs and help you lose weight. Are they saying we can not only get a new pair of shoes, but also get a new ass? Two wows in one. Part of me remains a skeptic. I'm all for bargains, and this one is too good to pass up, if it's true.

I won't believe it, until I try for myself. The main contenders are Reebok EasyTones and Sketchers Shape-Ups. Although they're a little pricey, I need a new pair of decent tennis shoes. Shall I try one of these fancy-smancy shoes?

It's worth a shot. Non..?


What time is it? Time to go shopping.


  1. Hi Girl,

    Two women in my office both wear Shapeups and swear by them. I have no idea how shoes can actually help you lose weight, but these girls are true believers.

    1. I wore these shoes for a while and I started developing calluses on my big toes. As soon as I stopped wearing the shoes, they went away. I know they work for some people, but I'll stick to regular shoes! I'm doing a 5K this month. I've got a ways to go to run as far and as fast as you, Jess. I hope to hear from you soon. :)
